July 10, 2020

Our school administrators and team leaders are working closely with experts in various fields to prepare for a safe return to campus. The American Academy of Pediatrics, supported by local health care practitioners, strongly recommends that "all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school." To that end, James River Day School is preparing a reopening plan to welcome all students for in-person learning 5 days a week on a full day schedule beginning on August 26.

Before activating any campus plans, independent schools in Virginia must first submit a comprehensive plan to the Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE) that outlines strategies for mitigating public health risk due to COVID-19.

By late July, we will share with you detailed information on what to expect when school starts, including back-to-school logistics and new health protocols. Thank you for your patience and understanding as there are many decisions to be made, and we are doing so with thoughtful and detailed attention.

We value our partnership with parents, working together to provide an exceptional education for your children.