October and a Look Ahead

What you learn today, for no reason at all, will help you discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow.

–Norton Juster, author

Dear James River Families, 

Welcome to October! We are approaching the end of the first trimester and halfway through the first semester. October is traditionally a busy month for everyone. Students (and parents and faculty) can sometimes feel worn thin with obligations and more tired than usual as the seasons change. Be sure to take care of yourselves and get plenty of rest this time of year. 

Friday, October 6, families will receive information about Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, October 18. Conferences are a great time to get a pulse on your child’s strengths and growth areas and to learn how they are settling into the year. Feel free to contact your child’s homeroom teacher or advisor with questions about your appointment. 

While we will formally announce our next Parent Book Club read in a couple of weeks, I wanted to share what I am currently reading with you: Your Brain on Art, How the Arts Transform Us, by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross. If you enjoy reading about brain science, this book will fascinate you. I also found it to be a timely read as I have been watching the 7th-grade art class transform a plain fence into a JRDS-themed mural behind my office. I cannot wait to share the finished product with you. 

Let’s fly!
