Outdoor Ramblers (This camp is full.)

Outdoor Ramblers (This camp is full.)
7/21/2021, 9:00 AM 2:45 PM

Outdoor Ramblers (This camp is FULL. More spots may become available if COVID restrictions change. Email John Gillum, [email protected], to be put on a waiting list.)
It’s time to unplug and get outside with nature enthusiasts Grace Aguilera and John Gillum. Campers will embark on a different adventure each day. To give you a glimpse into what they have planned, students may hike the Appalachian Trail, play in creeks, visit a local farm, adventure in Lynchburg's parks, and/or climb at a local gym on any given day. This is the way summer should be! All transportation between the school and each day’s adventure is provided. Drop-off and pick-up will be at James River Day School. Parents will receive an email with a detailed schedule one week prior to the start of the program.
Instructors: Mrs. Grace Aguilera and Coach John Gillum
Ages: rising 3rd through 5th graders
Dates/Times: July 19-July 23, 9 a.m. to approximately 2:45 p.m.
Pick-up times may vary, dependent upon activity.
Cost: $230
Minimum class size: 4         Maximum class size: 8

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