March 14, 2019

As mentioned last week, our faculty have been studying the topic of homework -- in terms of practice and purpose -- all year. Few words in education evoke such strong reactions! We believe it is essential for us, as teachers, to explore critical questions and actively reflect on our practices. Our students deserve nothing less.
Last week, you had a chance to read Mr. Jason Ruiz’s co-chair report focusing on middle school homework. As promised, Mrs. Ali Cox share’s the committees thoughts relating to homework in lower school in this week’s report. The committee will continue to work throughout the year to explore, research, and refine what homework means -- and doesn’t mean -- to our school.
Understanding how best to create an optimal learning experience for every student lies at the core of what James River teachers practice. Relevant research emerges constantly, helping and challenging us to improve and grow professionally. We endeavor to always be leaders in the educational domain, and it is our mission to provide the best learning opportunities for our students as they grow into the 21st century.