September 24, 2020

As we finish up our fifth week of school, it seems to me that we are finally in a regular, comfortable rhythm. The students, as well as the faculty and staff, have settled into a routine that incorporates the changes made necessary by COVID-19, particularly mask wearing, sanitizing, and physical distancing. It no longer seems odd anymore that my students clean their desks before and after using them! I see the teachers and the kids utilizing the outside spaces often for both recreation and educational purposes. I can feel the healing that is occurring as we are all together, re-forming the social bonds and emotional connections that were so terribly missing in the spring.
Even if they are done in a different way, having regular school events feels so good, so normal. Back to School Night last week is an example of that. The meeting I had today with kindergarten parents is another. In both cases, we conducted those events by using Zoom instead of being in person, but it felt so wonderful to be making those live connections. We’ve all experienced the awkwardness, the loneliness, and the void created by the pandemic, and we all want something we can count on. I want James River Day School to be just that for you--regular, predictable, and comfortable. You deserve this and, more importantly, the kids deserve it.