October 22, 2020

As I sit down to write this message, I realize that we have been in school for nearly two months. That is nearly 40 days of school with caring, knowledgeable faculty instructing your capable, curious, caring children. Forty days of kids being with their friends, forming the social and emotional bonds that are so important to a child’s proper development. Instead of sitting in isolation all day, our students have the opportunity to lead normal, predictable, productive lives.

We work hard every day at school to provide the best education possible, but we cannot do it without the support and partnership of YOU, our parents. YOU are the ones who model mask wearing and physical distancing. YOU are the ones who make sure your kids get their homework done. YOU are the ones who make sure your children show good character each day. I said it a couple of weeks ago, but it bears repeating: we truly cannot do our job without you.
James River Day School is a happy place. Teachers reported to me after parent conferences on Wednesday how satisfied the vast majority of our parents are with their child’s education so far. Student discipline issues this year are the lowest I’ve ever experienced. I asked a colleague why this was the case and she noted that the kids realized after enduring distance learning in the spring how much they really liked being in school. I have received the same sort of feedback in the grade-level parent Zoom meetings that we have conducted this fall. That is not to say the kids don’t ever break the rules, or that everyone is completely happy all the time. We are constantly striving to improve, and I so appreciate the suggestions that both kids and parents have made, and upon which we have acted.
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken, and continues to take, a tremendous toll on all of us. I am just ever so grateful that, working together, we can provide a bright future for our children in spite of the turmoil.