November 19, 2020

Gratitude is a true hallmark of James River Day School. This week, we give thanks for many things, especially our school community for showing an abundance of kindness.
Today marks our inaugural Day of Gratitude, a one-day kickoff for the Cardinal Annual Fund campaign, and I would like to thank everyone for their support in making James River a philanthropic priority. The response today has been enormous! Our school continues to thrive thanks to the generosity of so many individuals and families.
On Monday, we announced a new record for our annual Canned Food Drive. James River families and friends collected 10,600 cans that were donated to four area organizations: Lynchburg’s Daily Bread, the Salvation Army, Rivermont Area Emergency Food Pantry, and Holy Cross Food Pantry. Representatives from these organizations were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support for local families during this time of increased need.
Tomorrow we will celebrate the Fire Station Walk. Although slightly different this year, this long-standing tradition provides our students and faculty the opportunity to give thanks to these brave men and women of the Lynchburg Fire Department who serve our community and help keep us safe 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Students from all grade levels will present tokens of appreciation, such as signs, cards, and songs, to the firefighters from Station Five.

As the first trimester draws to a close, I am very thankful for the opportunity we have had for in-person instruction--for 56 days. Re-opening a school during a pandemic (and keeping it open) is no easy feat, but each of you: James River students, parents, teachers, and staff alike have done your part, and for that I am so appreciative.
When I consider the many ways that our loyal families and faculty--past and present--support our school and the Lynchburg community, I am so very thankful. I feel lucky to have found this wonderful school. May you and your family find joy in this season of gratitude.