It's About Character

One of the many models for schools says that a school needs to be like a three-legged stool, with the legs being Academics, Athletics, and the Arts. If a school competently educates students in all three areas, then that school is likely a good one. While there is nothing inherently wrong with that model, it does not adequately represent James River Day School. Let me explain.
Character education is integral to the James River experience and transcends the three A’s mentioned above. In academics, a few students get recognition for having the highest grades or test scores. In athletics, one person is named the Most Valuable Player. And we give awards to the students who have reached the highest level of achievement in the arts. Those recognitions are important and well deserved but only reward students with those particular talents. Good character can, and should, be demonstrated by all. Every student possesses the opportunity and heart to demonstrate good character. 
Character is developed by the daily practices and modeling surrounding our students. This takes a partnership between home and school. A student’s parents, teachers, and other significant adults work together to teach these important lessons.
Here at James River, character education happens every day--in the classroom, on the playing field, and in the studio. In fact, our Word of the Week this week is character: the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Good character is the seat of the three-legged stool. Without that seat to hold the stool together, the three legs don’t mean much. A person of excellent character will go farther and be remembered well, long after the MVP award or the high test scores have faded from sight. It is the character of our students that will most positively impact our community and world.
“Of course, we wanted our children to have strong academic opportunities, but it was James River’s emphasis on character growth that made it stand apart from other schools.”  - an alumni parent
“Being a James River Day School citizen is having good character and always being kind and respectful to others no matter who they are.”  - a 5th-grade student