In 2006, Carol Dweck released her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. This book introduced the world to the concept of a “growth mindset”--the belief that with effort, perseverance, and drive, you can improve your skills and grow your talents. This way of thinking is intrinsic to James River Days School. We constantly look for ways to improve what we do and how we do it. It is a facet of character development we try to model for our students.
This desire to keep improving is why we ask our current families a single question each fall, “On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being ‘not at all likely’ and 10 being ‘extremely likely,’ how likely are you to recommend James River to a friend or family member for his/her child(ren)?” In marketing terminology, this single-question survey is known as the Net Promoter Survey. We have probably all been asked to answer this question, or one very similar to it, after a purchase online. While it doesn’t necessarily give James River a lot of information, it does give us a quick picture of how happy our families are.
Thank you for taking the time to take the survey last week. While the majority of survey comments and ratings were highly positive, we received constructive comments that have given us much to think about.
A few parents mentioned that half-days, professional days, and days off for students are hard for working parents when they have to arrange childcare. I hear you. This is something we will consider as we develop the calendar for 2024-2025.
A couple of other parents expressed concern about the cost of tuition. We recognize that a James River education is a significant decision for any family, and we are always examining ways to keep our tuition affordable–a daunting task as the rising costs across many areas impact our operational budget as well as yours. We are continually evaluating our tuition costs while ensuring that we can provide an exceptional learning environment for our students. Additionally, we provide tuition assistance to those who qualify to help provide greater access to the James River experience.
James River is truly a joyful place to work and learn, and we are constantly striving to ensure the students in our charge are known and loved. To quote one parent, “The faculty are amazing at JRDS, bringing a personalized approach to education. They truly care about the success and holistic development of each student.” I couldn’t have said it better!