We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we become.
--David Hawkins
As November steadily moves forward, I want to thank everyone who helped kick off our Cardinal Annual Fund on our fourth annual Day of Gratitude today. Your gift is a true act of love and generosity supporting many James River Day School endeavors.
Next week will be busy as we march towards Thanksgiving break and our Thankful Hearts Feast, which celebrates our community and the conclusion of the annual Thankful Hearts Food Drive. Don’t forget to bring your cans to morning carpool throughout the week (starting tomorrow morning) to support families who face food scarcity in the greater Lynchburg area during the holiday season.
As we reach the end of the first trimester and anticipate a break from school routines over Thanksgiving, I want to share an article as our thoughts turn to the second trimester. This article supplies a timely and thoughtful guide on a topic about which I often hear parents asking for advice: how best to support students with evening homework struggles. The article gives great advice on the appropriate questions to ask and support to give. It also answers the age-old question of what to do when a child hasn’t finished their homework, but it is bedtime. I hope you find it helpful and thought-provoking.
Let’s fly!