Under a Month to the First Day of School

“Kindness is not weakness; it takes great strength to choose empathy over indifference.”  
–Jamil Zaki, The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World
I hope you have enjoyed the summer by connecting with family and friends and slowing down a bit. While the halls have been a bit quieter without all the kids, there has been a lot of action getting the campus ready to welcome faculty and students back for the new school year. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we are excited to see you all again soon.
I know the to-do lists are not getting shorter around here, but I hope this summer reminder will help you get back on track with your school year preparations. If you have a student starting 7th grade next year, please take special note of the immunization requirements. Also, a quick note for our returning families–you may recall that last year we used a special shopping service to purchase school supplies through Amazon, Target, or Walmart. Unfortunately, the service made substitutions that were not budget-friendly for our families, so we have returned to a traditional supply list by grade that you can print and take with you to the store. 
We look forward to seeing you all in less than one month!
Let’s Fly!