Settling In

“Joy is not in things; it is in us.”
-Richard Wagner
As we move into the end of the first full week, my hope is that your family is settling into a routine. All of our students (and their parents by proxy) are navigating a huge transition, whether it is transitioning to a new school year, a new school, or the big moves to kindergarten or middle school. With each of these transitions, children might feel more tired (or hungry!) than usual. They might be more emotional than usual or seem a bit scattered. These are all normal at the beginning of the school year and, generally, this transition period should end by the third week of school. If you are concerned about how your child is still navigating the new routines of the school year, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher, advisor, or division director. We are all here to support your children and your families. 
In the last few days, I have witnessed older students walking with younger students to help them navigate the busy hallways. I have seen students open doors for peers with full hands, and I have watched our students say thank you to their teachers when they leave a classroom. I am always in awe of the kindness displayed by our students. Of course, they still need guidance from time to time, and our faculty work daily to build strength of character in our students. We love partnering with you in this journey to allow our students to learn how to be the best versions of themselves and learn to lead empathetically.
Let’s Fly!
Carpool Reminders
The pick-up and drop-off lines are moving much more smoothly as we all get used to the routines and traffic patterns. 
A few reminders about the car line:
  • Please make sure that students are ready to exit the vehicle when you pull up to the front entrance.
  • Students must exit the vehicle on the passenger side.
  • Do not get out of your vehicle. Faculty and staff can assist with any larger items to help keep the line moving.
  • Please do not park and come into the school building during drop-off or pick-up times unless you have a scheduled appointment. Teachers are on duty during dismissal and cannot meet with you while supervising students.