Kindness is Contagious

“The more kids hear the same character message and are surrounded by people who model integrity, the more likely they will become people of Character.” –Michele Borba, Thrivers

Last week, I shared stories of kindness with our community during Back to School Night. As a community that values developing strength of character, talking about good character is woven into the fabric of our school. As we have settled into our routines of the new year, our faculty have shared moments of small acts of kindness with our faculty and staff. These emails have been bright spots in my day. I would like to share them with you as well (in brief):

  • An advisee went out of their way to get an extra chair for their teacher when they noticed there weren’t enough chairs for a meeting.
  • A child helped a teacher put away items from another class when they walked by the room and saw the mess.
  • Saying “hello” or “have a good day” to a teacher they have never had.
  • A student was sitting alone during dismissal, and another student asked if they might want company.
  • On more than one occasion this year, a teacher has needed to leave campus unexpectedly for a family emergency. Our other faculty and staff members jump in to cover for the teacher, giving up their planning periods to do so.
  • Mrs. Lawrence took off her own shoes to give to one of her athletes for a volleyball game without hesitation so that the athlete would not miss the game. 

I love that our community celebrates these moments of kindness and helps our students recognize how impactful these small acts are. These examples inspire me, and I hope they inspire us all, to give kindness in ways small and large each day.

Let’s Fly!
