As you know, James River Day School is hosting a viewing of the documentary Screenagers tonight at 6:00pm. We have received well over one-hundred RSVPs, and we hope that many more members from our community will attend. At the end of the film, a panel of four volunteers -- each with a different professional background -- will take part in a follow-up discussion.
Last spring, as I was transitioning into James River, I heard from many members of our community about the trials and tribulations we face -- as parents, educators, and citizens -- as it relates to the emergence of technology into our family and work lives. While technology, itself an incredibly broad term, has been part of modern life for generations, the acceleration and breadth of its impact has had profound effects on education, communication, work, and many more domains recently. I find it remarkable that the iPad -- now ubiquitous -- has only been on the market for seven years. It, and many more devices, platforms, and digital technologies, have had a classic disruptive effect on the perceived status quo.
One thing that we all share is common interest in helping our children balance screentime with other essential elements of growing up, like play, sleep, and building healthy relationships. We also share a common interest in understanding appropriate boundaries for young people as they use technology to learn, communicate, and create. Lastly, many of us feel like we are playing from behind, so to speak. Tonight’s a wonderful opportunity to learn, listen, and share about what we can do for our children -- and ourselves -- to make sense of rapidly changing world.
I look forward to seeing you tonight. (Reserve your seat.)