What We're Thinking & Learning About

In the spring, I held three informal parent coffees to solicit feedback related to a number of themes. Two of those themes were: what excites your students and what concerns them about school.
This year, we established three new faculty study groups to explore important learning goals that impact all of our students, informed by last spring’s feedback. Our choices also were informed by discussions with parents and faculty about how to continue to provide the best learning experience at James River Day School. Our newly formed study groups are:
  1. Homework Philosophy (Chairs: Ali Cox and Jason Ruiz) - Members of this study group, made up of teachers in both divisions, are reviewing our homework philosophy, current practices, and exploring how homework can best support learning. You can expect surveys and other communication throughout the year on this topic
  2. Cursive - Grades 2, 3 & 4 (Chair: Lindsey Klein) - This study group is reviewing and updating expectations in grades 2 - 4 regarding cursive instruction and its use. Members of this group are researching the benefits of cursive on learning and working to align practices throughout the lower school.
  3. Wellness (Chair: John Gillum) - This study group is looking at broad issues related to student wellness, reviewing current programs and practices changes, and researching best practices adopted in independent schools to see what we might add or combine with existing programs at James River.
Last year, we formed two study groups, both of which continue their work.
  1. Library Vision (Chair: Meghan Crowther) - This group continues its work to create and implement a vision for modernization of the Taylor Media Center.
  2. Education Technology (Chair: Sarah Lesko) - This group continues to work to understand the benefits and challenges relating to student use of educational technology in a rapidly changing world. An emerging goal is to differentiate the use of technology for schoolwork and how students view media, innovate, communicate with friends, and apply creative technology outside of school.
James River’s faculty are deeply invested in creating the best possible learning opportunities for our students. Each group will, at various times, update the community on their work and solicit feedback. I hope you find these explorations and growth opportunities as exciting as I do.