Summer Reading

reading whilst on vacation
What amazing books will you read this summer?
All students in grades K-8 are encouraged to read or be read to for at least 20 minutes each day. Daily reading ensures robust vocabulary development, increased reading fluency, expanded comprehension, and supports a lifelong love of reading. When we return to school in the fall, prepare for activities and assignments to celebrate your reading. If you have read the required book before, please reread it. AR quizzes will NOT be required or available this summer.
For Rising First through Third Graders
Students are encouraged to read or be read to for 20 minutes daily. Click here for suggested grade-level books. To meet summer requirements, complete the Reading Bingo Challenge. Return your completed bingo sheet to school in August so we can discuss your reading adventures.
For Rising Fourth through Eighth Graders
Select your child’s rising grade level below to view summer reading requirements.
Summer Reading Resources
FYI graphicGivens Books gives the school a small percentage back on purchases made by James River families, employees, and supporters if you ask for this. At checkout, simply ask them to record your purchase for the benefit of James River Day School.